There are various definitions of the word, "Tattoo".
The most common of these term is as such :
"the act or practice of marking the skin with indelible patterns,pictures, legends, etc., by making punctures in it and insertingpigments."
However, a more relatable translation to that word now would be the original definiton of tattoo :
1. a signal on a drum, bugle, or trumpet at night, for soldiers or sailors to go to their quarters.
2. a knocking or strong pulsation
That word means so much more to us now. Just last Sunday, a dear friend of ours passed on and we remember him with a workout called "Tattoo".

3 rounds for time
7 Muscle ups
12 Back Squats (225#) - no rack
Apart from that being the biggest shock to the system and perhaps one of the hardest workouts ever done, we must remember why we do it.

We do this workout not just cause it gives us the pleasure of pain and victory but more than that, it causes us to forge a closer community within and between the Boxes in Singapore. It makes us remember what Kelvin Yeo, aka Tattoo, lived for and what his life represented to many of us.
It represents more than just a wokrout for sure but the values inscribed in the workout resemble him and that is something that we should all emulate.
The values of determination and enjoying what you do every single day. May we all remember him and keep fighting every single day in our workouts, for him.
Innervate CrossFit and the entire CrossFit Singapore Community rememebers Kelvin. We will continue to live strong, WOD hard for you!