CrossFit Kids November Holidays Program - HERO-RAMA

CrossFit Kids is a unique CrossFit program that is meticulously designed to cater to the development of growing children. By combining FUN and FITNESS, CrossFit Kids provides a lifelong learning experience and lifestyle that emphasizes the importance of health and fitness from an early age.
The goal of the program is to provide the kids and teens with the knowledge, abilities, and skills necessary to grow in stature and in health; to instil within them the virtues of an active and healthy lifestyle.
Innervate CrossFit Kids and Teens is a place where kids and teens can develop themselves intellectually and socially to become well-rounded individuals. The vision of our programme is to enable your child to be the best they can be and to set them up for success in their future endeavours.

What makes Innervate CrossFit Kids Different?
Our program seeks to expand your child's athletic potential through kinesthetic learning. Your kids will be more aware of their body as we teach them how to execute complicated kinesthetic movements.The safe and sound execution of these movements is our top priority.
We do not seek to teach your child a mere specific skill set or a sport: we want our students to engage in diverse sports and movements. We believe that it is this diversity that will increase their ability to adapt to any physical challenges in the future.
Kids learn the best when they are moving and having fun. Thus, we emphasize on the fun aspect in our programme, so that we can instil a good lifelong impression of fitness on them.
We focus on learning movements and skills which create a foundation for positive athletic experiences. To help lay that foundation, our program uses a variety of innovative sport exercises, lead up games and drills. We will learn fundamental movements such as squatting, throwing, catching, kicking, striking, picking things up from the ground and putting something overhead.

The HERO-RAMA CrossFit Kids program is designed for Primary School students who are from P1 to P6. They will be broken into 2 separate groups, namely, the first group consisting of the lower Primary and another group consisting of the Upper Primary students
HERO-RAMA introduces students to Functional Movements and basic motor skills. The idea is to familiarize the students with moving. Our teaching method of choice is, you guessed it, through fun and games with the theme of Superheroes to best engage them. It is our desire to inculcate in these children a love for moving through merriment; and we hope the program will help them to weave good functional movement into their lives.
For HERO-RAMA, we will be teaching the students the basics of all the functional movements, from squatting to moving a load overhead to picking something safely off the ground. These movements are the basic building block of Functional and any Athletic Movements. The mastery of these movements makes for an easier time when it comes to picking up the other athletic skills.
Apart from teaching the students the basics of functional movement, HERO-RAMA is also aimed at helping them learn that they are capable of many things that they never thought were possible. And that they can truly be their own superhero in their own ways. This will be taught by encouraging proper team work, helping others and integrity even in the games and workouts.

From Movement to Success
A feeling of success is going to be one of the many benefits your child receives at Innervate CrossFit Kids. It has been proven that learning while moving is the best way to build the physical, social, emotional and intellectual skills of many children. Just like any other skill, the earlier you get comfortable with success, the more you stay with it. Most importantly, all our kids will take what they learn – everything from squatting, the lifestyle of CrossFit Kids and confidence – far beyond the four walls of the gym, into your homes, schools and future careers.
Details of HERO-RAMA
Dates : November (Every Mon, Wed and Fri)
Time : Lower Primary 3:00pm – 4:00pm
Upper Primary 4:00pm – 5:00pm
Venue : Innervate CrossFit, 994 Bendemeer Road, #01-04, B-Central, Singapore 339943
HERO-RAMA : Pricing
For the entire duration of the 4 weeks, there will be a special price of :
$150 per student
Any additional sibling from the family enjoys a 20% discount
Feel free to approach us for corporate packages for schools or sporting programs
To sign up for HERO-RAMA, send us an email at or call us at 97887859
B-Central is located opposite Bendemeer Primary School. Pick up and Drop offs can be done within the B-Central compound. Signing of Consent forms is required for participation.
Our facility is child-friendly. We have furnished the facility to ensure the safety of the kids, and their full participation. We also have a kids' corner ready for children to play at before and after sessions.

Program for HERO-RAMA
Week 1
Introduction to Innervate CrossFit
Teaching of the Air Squat
Learning about a healthy lifestyle
Week 2
Learning snippets on what is Fitness (Interactive)
Learning the Front Squat
Course work on how to have Fair Play
Week 3
· How to treat our food? (Topic on Nutrition)
· Learning the Press Series
· How to best prepare for fun and games!
Week 4
Studying after Fun and Games!
Learning the Deadlift series
Our program seeks to enable our students to succeed in functional movements. However, safety and efficiency is our top priority. In a conducive and safe environment, all movements and activities will be performed under the watchful eyes of our coaches.
Additional Reading
For more information on the methodology of CrossFit Kids, Go to this link:
For more information on Benefits of CrossFit Kids. Go to these links:
For more information on the Benefits of CrossFit Kids on their academics, go to this link: